Service Award Programs recognize and reward the dedication and length of service of your staff. We provide solutions to meet any company size and budget.
We supply training to educate your executive and management support team leaders on the importance of recognition and how to make meaningful presentations.
We provide communications that connects your employees and sub contract staff to your mission, vision and values. We offer rewards that engage and inspire your employees and sub contract staff members. We focus your team on Detailed measurements, Implementation, & Analysis of our award program activity simplifying program administration while promoting manager engagement. With Worldwide Incentive Services flexible Technology Platform, Service Award Programs can be stand-alone or integrated with other rewards systems. This allows you the company the benefit of combining all of your Recognition and Performance Incentive Programs into one efficient platform, reducing administrative burdens and the confusion multiple programs, platforms, and multiple vendors. Take the pressure of inefficient out dated past experiences and allow our team to customize a once in a lifetime experience for you.. |
ON-BOARDING & EARLY-YEAR RECOGNITIONWe supply product incentives that affords your business to taking steps to form proactive long-term connection with new employees and sub contract staff letting them know they are valued early in their career and upon signing with your company while having a significant impact on reducing turnover and the need to seek additional sub contract staff.
HIGHLIGHT-YEAR RECOGNITION Celebrate and highlight year end anniversaries. This newly implemented tradition is a time-tested and memorable way to show appreciation for employee's and sub contract staff's commitment. EVERY-YEAR RECOGNITION Every employee remembers the day they were hired. Every sub contractor remembers the day an contract mutual agreement was signed. Acknowledging this special day helps strengthen the bond between each employee, sub subcontractor and the organization. RETIREMENT / END OF SUB-CONTRACT Selecting an appropriate gift collection and presentation process for this final recognition opportunity is a great way to say thank you for your employees’ dedication and accomplishments and your sub contractors determination in fulfilling said mutual contract. |
Performance Incentives help you maximize the performance of your people and improve your bottom-line by pinpointing specific goals, then developing a performance improvement strategies to reward and elevate the behavior of your team and sub teams.
Implementing a behavior-based safety strategy raises awareness, educates your employees on best practices, and rewards participant safety achievements.
PRODUCTIVITY Setting productivity goals, communicating them to your employees and sub contractor staff, and reinforcing their achievement will help your organization achieve desired results. REFERRALS & LEADS Engage non sales and marketing employees and sub contractor staff and motivate them to submit referrals and leads through continuous education, encouragement, and reinforcement of positive actions. |
HEALTH & WELLNESSMotivate your employees to live active, healthy lifestyles by rewarding behaviors that reduce organizational costs, improve productivity, and reduce absenteeism. Reward your sub contract staff with incentives to implement the full completion of all projects.
SALES and Marketing Maximize the performance of your team with a tailored program(s) created through strategic planning, program design, and performance management. TRAINING Continuous learning is a cornerstone of positive behavior change. We support organizations through training module development, workshops, and management of online training platforms. |
Loyalty Programs reward your channel partners and customers for their dedication and loyalty to your organization.
Your channel network is vital to the sales and marketing success of your product and/or brand. It is key that this entire network of individuals be not only educated about your product and services, but also excited and motivated to promote them. By putting a #MYWWIS results-driven loyalty strategic program in place, with attainable and desired rewards, you encourage the motivation and enthusiasm of this essential team.
Customer and client loyalty is key to the success of any organization, and earning it requires constant attention to your relationships. When you place importance on customer and client satisfaction, you build loyalty that add to mutually beneficial partnerships. #MYWWIS creative marketing platforms and programs, training tools, and brand-loyalty benefits help drive repeat purchasing and enhance customer loyalty.
Recognition Systems are designed to motivate and engage employees sub contractor staff using non-cash incentives to elevate performance and reinforce positive behaviors.
Taking steps to form a connection with new employees and sub contractor staff, and letting them know they are valued early in their career will have a significant impact on reducing turnover and additional contract negotiation .
PEER TO PEER RECOGNITION Offer your employees and sub contractor staff the opportunity to recognize their peers for outstanding efforts of work ethics. With #MYWWIS online tools, tracking and budgeting is simple for program administrators. UMBRELLA RECOGNITION Bringing multiple reward strategies under one technology platform streamlines your program and allows all participants to accumulate reward point benefits from all program initiatives. |
Visibly recognizing employees and sub contractor staff who have gone above and beyond in a meaningful ways promotes exemplary attitudes and performance improving not not only company growth but internal team support growth.
SPOT RECOGNITION Spot Recognition is an effective way to correlate desired behaviors with rewards, since the recognition is instant and clearly associated with the employees’ or sub contractor staff's efforts internal growth will only proceed. NOMINATIONS Nominations encourage positive behaviors throughout the organization, and offer built-in approval process for easy online management. |
Worldwide Incentive Services Rewards Program Features
The information below includes a listing of some of the key features and functions available on the Online Rewards platform. The list of features is far from exhaustive but provides a breakdown of key capabilities that can be readily incorporated into our client's programs.
- PROGRAM FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS - Client Branded program site, Customized rewards catalog, Participant registration pages Personalized, Custom-branding email communications, Tiered program structure with multiple user classes, Comprehensive participant performance reports, Instant prize awards, sweepstakes & games, Ad-hoc promotions / point award logic, Printable award / recognition certificates, Nomination & spot award functions, Hall of Fame / Success Stories, Participant Surveys / Feedback Ranking, Table & performance charts, Sales based targets / performance tracking, Order placement and tracking, Shopping cart & wish list Interactive help forms.
- ADMINISTRATION AND REPORTING TOOLS - Participant management, Point award management, Dynamic content management tools, Messaging & communications tools, Multi-tiered program management, On-screen performance reports, Downloadable administration reports
- CUSTOMER SERVICE - Toll free phone support services, Email support, Chat support, Ticketing system, Multi-lingual support options.